window.pipedriveLeadboosterConfig = { base: '', companyId: 11580370, playbookUuid: '22236db1-6d50-40c4-b48f-8b11262155be', version: 2, } ;(function () { var w = window if (w.LeadBooster) { console.warn('LeadBooster already exists') } else { w.LeadBooster = { q: [], on: function (n, h) { this.q.push({ t: 'o', n: n, h: h }) }, trigger: function (n) { this.q.push({ t: 't', n: n }) }, } } })() Our team - The Codest

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We are software development professionals specializing in building digital products and scaling IT teams.

The Codest


CEO, Co-Founder

The Codest


CTO, Co-Founder

The Codest


Talent Acquisition Lead

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Finance Lead

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Marketing Lead

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Backoffice Lead

The Codest


Dev Team Leader

The Codest


Dev Team Leader

The Codest


Dev Team Leader

The Codest


Dev Team Leader

The Codest


CEO, Co-Founder

The Codest


CTO, Co-Founder

The Codest


Talent Acquisition Lead

The Codest


Finance Lead

The Codest


Marketing Lead

The Codest


Backoffice Lead

The Codest


Dev Team Leader

The Codest


Dev Team Leader

The Codest


Dev Team Leader

The Codest


Dev Team Leader

Our core values are

Act fast and focus on the bigger picture

In a dynamic IT landscape, we have to always prioritize work, optimize processes, and keep an eye on our long-term strategic vision.

You are a part of high performing team with healthy relations

The Codest team is built by determined professionals who care about a good atmosphere of collaboration and individual well-being. We focus on important work, not on long working hours.

Deliver your tasks and be realistic when targets are set

We plan and deliver tasks based on a realistic approach, ensuring they are achievable and aligned with our capabilities.

Say your ideas out loud and don’t be afraid to make a change

We believe in brave ideas. If you see that something can work better – say it! We always stay open to other ways.

Nothing great is coded alone

The Codest is all about people: amazing experts who strive to make the impossible possible

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The Codest
The Codest
The Codest
The Codest
The Codest
The Codest
The Codest

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The Codest

We do our best to make the recruitment experience at The Codest pleasant for you.

See what our candidates have to say about our recruitment process.

The recruitment process at The Codest is transparent and provides quick feedback as well as offering presentations. The objective evaluation of the candidate, through a calm and positive conversation is another advantage. Additionally I enjoyed the nice and friendly atmosphere, the “agenda” of the interviews and the process as a whole was one with a high level of competence, as well as mutual understanding, and contained exact details.

The process was carried out efficiently, professionally and with care for the candidate’s comfort. The recruiter was very helpful and committed. They take an unconventional approach (not copy & paste on linkedin) – everything is clear and there is a very personal culture. The atmosphere during the first conversation and technical conversation with the recruitment team went smoothly. I got instant feedback with a description of what had to happen to get confirmation that I got in.

First of all, I met a recruiter who fostered a positive, non-stressful atmosphere during the interview. There were two stages and then a decision, so it all went relatively quickly, and both stages were well-prepared in terms of content. The technical part demonstrated the great knowledge of the specialists.The conversation was conducted nicely. It was a fairly short process, but to the point. The process featured qualified recruiters and a hassle-free and quick response to a job inquiry.

During the recruitment process, I got enough information about projects, technology and work. Everything turned out to be true. The recruiter was extremely kind and patient. I received comprehensive information about the company, clients and their needs. Summing up, the calmness of the technical recruiter and the relaxed atmosphere during the technical interview made the whole process a really nice experience.
