The Codest Core Value #1
The Codest believes in four crucial values that are the core of all actions taken by The Codest teams. In this article, our CEO and co-founder, Greg Polec, explains what...

The Codest believes in four crucial values that are the core of all actions taken by The Codest teams. In this article, our CEO and co-founder, Greg Polec, explains what...
In this article series, we share the stories of The Codest teammates who have had an impact on the present shape of our company. In the following piece, we ask...
This time the star of The Codest Success Story is Lukasz Brzeszcz, our Ruby software developer and programmer. How did Lukasz’s journey with The Codest begin and what helped him...
Some time ago, we boasted about the new opening for The Codest. We carried out an intensive rebranding process and presented it to the world a few days ago. It...
Hello and warm welcome in the 2nd episode of our TheCodesReview series. This week we have focused on quality in software engineering projects, the importance of frontend architecture and transition...
Imagine such a situation: it is 6:00 AM on a Saturday morning, you are laying comfortably in your bed, still sleeping soundly. Suddenly, you hear your cat scratching on the...
2019 year was marked by sharing valuable content with you. Note - in this period we have published 177 articles and shared with you. We wrote on various topics. First...
Every successful business cooperation needs to start somewhere and somehow by one of the partners initiating the first interaction. In our software house setup, the new business team plays the...
This document was written in order to unify the internal company Git Flow rules. This method is not introducing pure Git Flow, as it is a mix of both Git...
Vuelendar is a small datepicker calendar written in VueJS. For quite long time we were using vue wrapper for pikaday in our project. Unfortunately it was hard to customize, and...
One day 3 years ago in the The Codest team we prepared a great Cody game for Ruby programmers. In today's article, I would like to describe what the work...
From the life of Codest. Our representatives took part in Ruby on Rails workshops in Warsaw. They were organized by specialists from Spark Academy, which takes care of the development...
The year 2018 is coming to an end, which is why it seems to be a good time for summaries. In recent months, a lot has happened on our blog....
A design pattern is a conceptual model that helps you solve design problems in various contexts. It is like a reusable template you can apply to a structuring code.
Referring to definition, DSL (Domain Specific Language) is a computer language specialized to a particular application domain. This means it is developed to satisfy specific needs.
We will take a closer look at one of them - Vue js. It is getting better and better in comparison to other JS frameworks and regularly gains new supporters.
In this case, the Scrum project management methodology and one of its elements - the team of developers headed by Team Leader – comes in handy.
Hello there! We are happy to announce that we changed our look. The new logotype and identification materials are brand (!) new representation of proceeding the changes that has been...