Maak kennis met Vuelendar: een Datepicker Kalender geschreven in VueJS
Lukasz Usarz
Senior Software Engineer
Het grootste deel van de tijd hebben we de Vue wrapper voor pikaday gebruikt in onze projecten om de functie van de kalender te maken.
As the customization was getting more challenging and time-consuming, we’ve decided to look for another solution. What’s more, the APIs did not allow us to implement lots of requirements that were quite crucial for the quality of the end product. This is why the Vuelendar was made.
As you might already guessed at the beginning of this article, a Vuelendar is a calendar component written in VueJs. It allows you to pick a range of dates or a single one. What is more, you can also easily replace inactive days! Also , it allows you to add customized CSS bits which can ultimately change the ‘look and feel’ experience.
The creation process
Previously, we were using jQquery to implement the calendar feature in one of our projects and we’ve stumbled upon a problem – it was hard to customize. This is when we’ve made a decision to make our own component. In the first phase, we mainly used it in our own projects but as the time went by, we came to the conclusion that it might be a handy solution for other programmers – this is when we shared it on The Codest’s GitHub account in the form of a code library.
importeer VRangeSelector uit 'vuelendar/components/vl-range-selector';
importeer VDaySelector uit 'vuelendar/components/vl-day-selector';
export standaard {
componenten: {
data () {
return {
bereik: {},
datum: null
// ...
Use in template:
Disabling dates
Vuelendar allows two ways for disabling dates.
Using an array:
disabled-dates="['2019-04-21', '2019-04-25']
Will disable 21st April 2019 and 25th April 2019
Using an object to describe a range of dates:
from: '2019-04-21',
to: '2019-04-23'
Will disable all dates from 21st April 2019 and 25th April 2019
Specifying only ‘from’ attribute will disable all dates past that date.
from: '2019-04-21',
Will disable all dates from 21st April 2019
Specifying only ‘to’ attribute will disable all dates before that date.
to: '2019-04-21',
Will disable all dates before 21st April 2019
Onze Vuelendar can be used in all projects based on VueJS. It is a simple but efficient component that will not only save your time as a programmer but also enrich your project with a smoothly working calendar. Nowadays, there are many projects which might need this a solution, so here we are!
The update
As the new update of VueJS was launched, the new requirements appeared. This is why we’ve decided to adjust our calendar component to the newest version of VueJS. The libraries needed to be improved so that our small but handy gem would run smoothly and effectively.
Wrapping Up
If you are in the middle of a project based on VueJS and search for a cool feature of a calendar, this one is definitely for you! We all know how much time creating those components can take. Our Vuelandar will help you spice up your application and save some time and nerves!