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Finding the perfect Java developer can be a daunting task. As the market demand for such professionals grows at an astonishing pace, available sources for talent search can sometimes seem limited.
What’s more, as you look for well-skilled candidates with a great knowledge of the Java ecosystem – Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Apache Hadoop, Hibernate, Gradleand many more – you are very much likely to feel like you’ve hit the bottom with your hunt. That is why we’ve prepared a list of places where you might start your search.
Java is known to be one of the most versatile programming languages in the world as it is commonly used for several economic sectors, platforms and technologies. That is why a need for well-qualified Java developers keeps growing. The numbers can surely confirm that fact – according to the Stack overflow 2021 survey, Java has been the 4th most used language in the past year (35%). As the language of the Android system, which is the most deployed language of smartphone on the planet, Java is here to stay! Not even mentioning how popular this language is when it comes to reusing the code.
The latest research made by Cityglobe has shown that Java Developers are in the top 3 skills tech and business services on almost every continent.
As you made up your mind about outsourcing, you might start wondering which country might be the best to choose. Undoubtedly, start your search in Europe. First of all, the number of Java software development companies there is impressive. Just in Poland, you can find over 300 firms that outsource Java Developers! Apart from the variety of possibilities, you can also find some additional benefits of that continent. The technical universities in Europe are on a high level and the number of well-educated and talented software engineers grows every year, so we can see a huge potential in that part of the world.
The number of top software development companies per country as registered on Clutch:
As you dive more into the search for a suitable Java developer, you might stumble upon one question. Should I hire a Java software development company or hire a freelancer? Depending on the type of project and your requirements, both of those options can actually work! Let’s take a closer look at both pros and cons of hiring a Java software development company and a freelancer.
The costs of hiring a Java developers outsourcing can differ depending on the usual aspects, such as the years of experience, skillset, type of employment and location. In some cases, business owners decide to outsource Java developers from other countries as it might be a more affordable option that still provides astonishing results.
For many ventures, outsourcing might sound like an unpredictable investment. Surely, there is nothing to worry about if a suitable company is chosen. In such a case, it is sincerely recommended to check sites such as Clutch where you can find more about service providers available on the market.
Depending on the country you decide to outsource from, you can see the differences in the pricing. Especially in central in eastern Europe expenses for certain services can be significantly lowered, but still the project delivered is of top quality. Here is an-in depth price comparison between the European countries and some other available options.
Here are the average hourly rates per country according to Clutch in Europe:
Let’s also take a look at the countries outside Europe and compare prices there.
As the world has switched into remote mode, you have plenty of options to find a well-versed Java developer. Nowadays, outsourcing is not a trend anymore, it basically became a reality. That is why you might want to start looking for new teammates online where you can find solutions that are satisfying both financially and in terms of quality.