Ask anyone about how they evaluate possible new libraries, packages and gems to add to their project and you get variations on the same topic. Actively developed, Pull Requests merged in a timely fashion, no long-outstanding bugs and a healthy amount of GitHub stars. But are these even a workable metric? All this and more below.
How using component-based design helps us build faster
By Katie Sievert and Jon Koon
Engineers behind the upcoming Twitter refresh discuss how it’s component-based nature helped them achieve their goals. A worthwile read, especially if you’re thinking about adopting React in a project that’s existed for a while.
Reading Ruby Metaprogramming inside Devise
By Jim Gay
Devise is usually a great fit for your Rails projects, simply because it does so much out of the box and is very configurable. That configurability of course doesn’t come from magic, but from copious amounts of metaprogramming under Devise’s hood. Here’s a walkthrough.
Object-Oriented Programming – The Trillion Dollar Disaster
By Ilya Suzdalnitski
Here’s a discussion of OOP’s deficiencies in comparison to FP. But not from the typical “FP is just better” standpoint, but as a well-thought out argument, supported with quotes from the original inventor of OOP (who also thinks we’re doing it wrong). I learned today, and I hope you will too.
Kubernetes Deployments: The Ultimate Guide
By Jérôme Petazzoni
All righty, you’ve dockerized your app. Now what? Here’s an answer from a former Docker engineer – at least one of the possible answers, this one involving Kubernetes deployments.
Can We Trust GitHub Stars?
By Brendan Le Glaunec
The instagramification of human interaction on the Web seems to reach us everywhere, but this one I didn’t really expect. It seems that buying stars on GitHub is as real as buying Instagram followers these days. And it’s problematic, because stars are widely used as a measurement of a project’s impact (not least, by the GitHub trending page itself). Here’s the how, why, and how to spot GitHub star astroturfing.
Bonus! Something lighter for the weekend? Try building some logic gates in a city simulation game, maybe!
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