Customers often have to decide, in which programming language they would like their product to be created. Ruby and PHP are on of the most common dilemma.
Inspire of PHP’s former popularity, recently more and more customers are reporting their need to create products using Ruby and its popular Ruby on Rails framework.
In Codest we had the opportunity to cooperate with many clients that require proper arguments, why the programming language offered by the software house will be a good choice for their product. Quite often the dilemma concerns Ruby and PHP. We exactly know that PHP is better known for most people. However, the market trend is different. Ruby has many of strengths that customers and developers appreciate. It is not without reason that such services as Twitter, Basecamp or AirBnB have been created in this language.

Ruby is ideally suited for the development of web applications. Its advantage is that it provides many libraries and high quality frameworks that improve the developer’s comfort. The process of building a web application is relatively faster in Ruby than in PHP. The first functionalities of the application can be obtained in a relatively low time. The most commonly used is the Ruby on Rails framework, which has gained great popularity with programmers.
Therefore, if time is a matter of value for a client, Ruby will be a good choice for them due to its time efficiency. At the very same time, there is no fear of any quality lost as the applications created in Ruby on Rails are of high quality and performance. Ruby is appreciated by developers for its brevity and the ease of introducing corrections and upgrades. This helps a lot at the later stages of work.

Obviously, PHP also has its supporters. There are more programmers on the market that have competencies in this area. Ruby creates a bigger barrier for entry for novice developers. The market trend shows, however, that more and more beginners in programming are deciding to learn this language by seeing more possibilities in it. A similar relationship can be shown with the customers, who want to create a web application and turn to the software houses that specialize in Ruby.