No company is able to succeed, if its product is not of a right value for the potential consumers. Creating an effective product, consistent with customer preferences, is the key to your business development.
However, this is not as easy as it may sound. Many startups in the past either collapsed or had big problems getting their target group’s interest. All this happened due to the imperfections of the product. We decided to prepare a list of the most important rules to keep in mind when you are going to create a great software product.
Use the data of your target group
Even if you are convinced that you have created a great product that will not have any problems with the sale, you should check it out. On the basis of our ten – year experience at Codest, we have noticed that customers sometimes take hasty hypotheses, which later result in failures and the need to introduce a lot of modifications. That is why a proper analysis is so important. Use the available data – for example about the behavior and preferences of the target group, and then analyze them for your users.
At first – MVP

The creation of Minimum Value Products (MVP) is a very popular solution. It is not advisable to commission developers at the very beginning of the works aimed at creating very extensive functionalities. First of all, due to the fact that not all ideas can be verified by customers positively. That’s why the idea of MVP works really well. In addition, you should add that, thanks to MVP, you will gain time efficiency and will be able to check what your clients like and what not. If you are thinking about creating a web application, read the Ruby on Rails framework analysis and check which brands have decided to use it.
Choose an effective team of developers
You should entrust the creation of an effective product to professionals. You need to know that, depending on the character of work, it can be a very time-consuming process, which is why your decision should be carefully thought through. Why is it so important? First of all because you will minimize the risk of delays and possible errors. In addition, the competent experienced team of developers will also help you in choosing the right technology.
Remember, that not only the inside of the product counts, but also its overall appearance. In this case, the role of UX designer will be helpful, as this is a person who is perfectly familiar with current market trends and knows how to create user-friendly interfaces.

Do not give up, if the initial product functionality is not as effective as you expected. In the first phase of its development, you should run as many tests as possible to help you determine weaknesses and strengths. Thanks to A/B tests, you can gain knowledge of the solutions you should abandon in the future. If it maintains constant cooperation with a team of developers, you will be able to implement subsequent changes very quickly. This will help you match the product to the market needs as fast as possible.