The answer is pretty simple. We have divided it into 5 most important elements that make JavaScript so popular.
Have you ever wondered, why JavaScript is such a popular language? What are the reasons so many programmers want to learn it? And why most of the software houses offer their services connected to JavaScript? The answer is pretty simple. We have divided it into 5 most important elements that make JavaScript so popular.
JavaScript mastered the internet
When surfing websites, you are most likely to use browsers. It does not matter whether it is a daily news site, YouTube or a theme blog. You certainly use these browsers for any kind of activities and JavaScript is closely related to them. You can call it the most favorite field of action of this language. Therefore, it is currently difficult to imagine the internet without JavaScript as the abovementioned sites are created on its basis.
A quick start
To start your work in other programming languages, you will need a compiler or interpreter. JavaScript makes this process much simpler. Whilst in a browser, just press the “F12” key and the console will appear on your screen. Among others this function is possible on the most popular browsers, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. After the console is displayed, you can start working.

An extensive community
There are lots of studies, guides and instructions related to this language that are available on the internet. Thus JavaScript has a huge public knowledge base that developers can use. Which will come in handy as, in case of any problems, you can find the right solution on the internet in a relatively easy way. Isn’t this a big advantage, especially for novice developers?
JavaScript has several extensive and practical frameworks. Angular, React.js and Vue js. are among the most popular ones. It’s good to know that such global giants as Google and Facebook have contributed to their creation. It is also a guarantee that they still will be developed, so JavaScript will stay among the most attractive programming languages.

JavaScript is considered to be one of the most universal languages. Why? First of all, it offers a very wide range of functionality. It allows you to write simple scripts using which you can edit the content of websites. But more advanced functions are acceptable as well. For instance, you can build advanced web applications.