Why Does Your Company Need a Remote Development Team?
Explore the benefits and strategies of integrating remote development teams, highlighting cost-efficiency, global talent access, and flexibility.
We have prepared a list of the five most crucial challenges in global IT project together with the presentation of good practices that we have tested.
When running global IT project experience in international cooperation is required from a software house. Being able to face the most important challenges related to the successful implementation of such projects is utterly important. But how to do this? We have prepared a list of the five most crucial challenges together with the presentation of good practices that we have tested.
Before you start working at your project, the goals must be set appropriately. This is a key task determining the team’s work at a later stage. Goals can be complex. For example, the creation of a specific software can lead through smaller points (goals), the implementation of which will bring your team closer to completing the project. Contrary to appearances, the process is not easy at all. It is very important for the company, outsourcing the project to the selected software house, to properly determine everything and confirm with the other party. This will improve the subsequent work and reduce the risk of failure or possible discrepancies.
This task lies on the side of the software house. After a proper examination of both project needs and customer expectations, Product Owner is responsible for completing the right team of developers. People who have experience in implementation of a similar type of projects have already worked in the international environment and, above all, have competence in the field of technology used. The completed team should be presented to the client. Thanks to this, both sides get to know each other better and increase the common sense of pursuing one goal.
International IT projects usually have a large difference in a distance between the client and the software house. Therefore, the entire information exchange and reporting process must be carefully planned. The role of the Product Owner is to prepare an appropriate cooperation scheme, which will then be presented to the client. The Agile approach and the Scrum project management methodology will be useful here. The possible time difference should also be taken into account.
International projects require the developers team to know English. This is a prerequisite. Without this skill communication will be significantly impeded. This could lead to unnecessary misunderstandings and delays in the project implementation. The client who decides to cooperate a specific software house should take this factor into account.
The work system or approach to different values may be slightly different on both sides. Therefore, it is important to understand each other and the willingness to reach agreement and work out convenient work standards. A compromise should be sought out. Both the client and the software house must respect each other’s values related to the organizational culture and thus aim for a jointly defined goal.