Discover some retrieving JavaScript tools to level up your programming game. Learn more about ESLint, Prettier and Husky!
It’s awesome to see where Javascript is these days and how much it has evolved sinceES2015, the days of var and $(.submitBtn) are far away behind us. As javascript keeps evolving, the tools (formatter, linter, bundler) around it keeps getting better, we are going to see in this article how ESLint (linter), Prettier (formatter) and Husky (Git hooks) can improve your developer experience and have a great impact on your application. For the sake of this article we are going to use a React app, but keep in mind that these tools can be used with any Javascript/Node application. We’ll start things by generating a React project using vite with these steps:
npm create vite@latest
Project name: js-tools
Select a framework: react
Select a variant: react
cd js-tools
npm install
ESLint for Code Quality
ESLint is a tool that helps you find and fix problems in your JavaScript code. To add it to our app we’ll follow these steps:
cd js-tools
npm init @eslint/config
# we'll need to answer these questions to initialize the config
How would you like to use ESLint? To check syntax and find problems
What type of modules does your project use? JavaScript modules (import/export)
Which framework does your project use? React
Does your project use TypeScript? No
Where does your code run? Browser
What format do you want your config file to be in? Javascript
Would you like to install them now? Yes
Which package manager do you want to use? npm
# we are going to install additional plugins
npm i --save-dev eslint-plugin-react-hooks eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
This will create a .eslintrc.cjs file containing our ESLint config in the root of our app, let’s update the config file with our installed plugins and add a rule:
We are using the recommended settings for each plugin and made the no-unused-vars throw an error, an additional step is to add a lint command to our package.json file as follows:
Now that our ESLint setup is ready, we are going to update our app to do some testing and see how it works. The first thing to do is to update the App.jsx file inside the src folder, this component contains an image, a basic video player and a button that toggles the video player play/pause states when clicked:
Let’s try and see what running the lint command will report about our App.jsx code:
We have 4 errors great or not so great should I say, we’ve just caught multiple type of errors some are related to React, some to a11y, and one is due to the rule that we’ve added to forbid unused variables. What’s great about ESLint is that it catches errors for you and give us an indication on the solution and all the rules are very well documented. So to fix our code we’ll need to:
– Give a name to our component
– Use the `heading` variable or just delete it if it is useless
– Add a `track` tag for captions in the video player
– Add an `alt` attributes with meaningful text to the image element
After applying these fixes running the `lint` command, we receive no errors, our fixed code is as follows:
It is a little annoying to have to use the lint command before each commit and one could forget to do that, setting up a git hook could be helpful to automate this task and solve this problem and that’s what we are going to talk about in the Husky section.
Prettier for code formatting
Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that supports many languages and integrates with many code editors. Let’s add prettier to our app:
npm install --save-dev --save-exact prettier
We’ll need to create two files at the root of our app a .prettierignore file to ignore files or folders we don’t want to format:
And a .prettierrc.json file that will contain our prettier config:
Prettier config is customizable, you can play with the prettier playground to find the settings that fits you the most. An additional step to make prettier work well with ESLint is to install an additional ESLint plugin:
npm i --save-dev eslint-config-prettier
We’ll also need to update the .eslintrc.cjs file by adding prettier to the extends array, we need to make sure to put it in the last position to override other configs:
Running prettier is easy and straightforward, one way is to run the npx prettier --write . command that will format all your app code, a second way is to use it from your editor, this will get the most from Prettier, either via a keyboard shortcut or automatically whenever you save a file. When a line has gotten so long while coding that it won’t fit on your screen, just hit a key and watch it magically be wrapped into multiple lines! Or when you paste some code and the indentation gets all messed up, let Prettier fix it up for you without leaving your editor.
But still, what if one of the developers uses an editor that doesn’t support prettier and forgets to use the prettier command, there is a way to fix this problem and that’s the subject of the Husky section below.
Husky for Git hooks
Husky helps you setup git hooks to lint your commit messages, run tests, lint code, etc… when you commit or push. We are going to use it along lint-staged to automate the code linting and formatting before committing the code.
npx husky-init && npm install
npm i --save-dev lint-staged
This will create a .husky folder with a pre-commit file. Next step is to update the package.json file to setup lint-staged command and tell it to format any changed file in the current commit:
Last step is to update the pre-commit file to setup our hook to run the lint command on all the app and format changed files with the lint-staged command:
!/usr/bin/env sh
. "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/"
npm run lint
npx lint-staged
Let's do some refactoring to our app to see how all of this works, we are going to create a VideoPlayer.jsx component and use it in App.jsx:
import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
export default function VideoPlayer({ isPlaying, videoSrc, trackSrc }) {
const videoRef = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (!isPlaying) {;
} else {
}, [isPlaying]);
return (
Now that we are happy with our code, let’s commit our changes and see how it goes.
Errors again this time it is yelling because of missing props validation and as you can see our commit wasn’t successful. Let’s fix this, by first installing PropTypes npm i prop-types and updating the VideoPlayer component:
After fixing those errors our commit was successful after running the linting and code formatting commands. As you can see with Husky we basically automated linting and formatting with this pre-commit hook and this will avoid any unwanted code in our code base and solve problems like editors incompatibilities and forgetting to run those commands.
ESLint, Prettier and Husky are great tools that help us maintain our code. Combined together they provide us with a great developer experience and make maintaining our code easier.
We’ve talked about linting and formatting in this article, but the tools available and possibilities are much wider you could setup some tests to run on a pre-commit hook or if you use Typescript, adding a type checking command with Husky to skip any untyped code in your app.